Hallmark Hotel Carlisle i Carlisle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHallmark Hotel Carlisle



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Court Square, CA1 1QY, Carlisle, Cumbria, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 330 028 3401
internet side: www.hallmarkhotels.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.8911617, Longitude: -2.9328653

kommentar 5

  • en

    Frank Heavey


    Clean and neat hotel handy for sightseeing in and around Carlisle. Situated next to railway station with good transport links. Food and service was very good. Would stay here in the future.

  • Liam Mulholland

    Liam Mulholland


    Decor was starting to look a little dated, 90's look however it was clean and comfortable. We had the breakfast and it was surprisingly good, better than Premier Inn. Sausages and bacon were better than average and they even had black pudding!! Overall not a bad place if you're staying on Carlisle for one night. Check the offers page on their website as that's how I got the breakfast for free.

  • Jason Timms

    Jason Timms


    Located right by the train station its very easy to find and in a great location to base yourself. Now I didn't stay over here and I can't comment on what it's like to spend a night but our works party was really good. The staff are bang on in every way and I can't fault the service at all.

  • Martin Holt

    Martin Holt


    This is a older style hotel but with a fresh face. The staff are excellent. Extremely accommodating. Very good food menu if a little light in choice. But the choices are very tasty. All in all 5 star service very good rooms. Easy access to the rail links and good parking.

  • Michael Horn

    Michael Horn


    Wenn etwas schmutzig ist heruntergekommen ist hotel woher die 4 Sterne haben ist mir schleierhaft

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