Hatters Hostel Manchester i Manchester

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Det Forenede KongerigeHatters Hostel Manchester


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50, Newton Street, M1 2EA, Manchester, Greater Manchester, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 161 236 9500
internet side: hattershostels.com
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Latitude: 53.4818665, Longitude: -2.2325622

kommentar 5

  • Lucy Oates

    Lucy Oates


    Hostel was clean but that was about the only positive. Only one harsh bright light per room which goes one every time anyone comes in. Room faced onto a busy loud street so the combination of light, noise and a very uncomfortable mattress made for a very bad night's sleep. Not enough plug sockets. Bathrooms are cold (as are the showers) and utterly without any form of privacy - reminiscent of school showers/toilets. Generally just a run-down, miserable place. You definitely get what you pay for!

  • James Hanlon

    James Hanlon


    Quite a run down property in need of refurbishment but in a great location close to train station and central Manchester and so served our needs quite well. Reception was friendly and efficient. Had booked a private 4 person dorm, which turned out to be on fifth floor with lift not working and had an unlockable door to an adjacent dorm so not at all private - not what we had paid for. Also, only one single toilet on that floor to serve I think 5 dorms which wasn't great. I don't think I'd go back as I reckon it's too expensive for quality of accommodation.

  • Lizzie Matthews

    Lizzie Matthews


    We stayed at Chilton St. I haven't stayed in a hostel before and it was much nicer than expected! There's no frills but everything was clean & nicely laid out. I loved the umbrella display above the smoking courtyard 😊

  • en

    Foran Emily Sarah


    Toilets and showers are not clean, there was woodlice in the sink in the female toilets. Female showers had no pressure at all and were very cold. There are only 2 pairs of plug sockets in the bedrooms, so I had make sure my phone was charge before I went to bed as there were never any free to charge your phone during the night. Staff members all very kind and helpful. Cheap prices, but still not up to standard. Wouldn't recommend unless desperate

  • Stacey F

    Stacey F


    Met some lovely people. Comfy beds, nice kitchen, cool music. Really friendly and helpful staff. The only thing that lets it down slightly is the very old building. Bathrooms very cold. Other than that can't fault it. Looking forward to staying again :)

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