Hatton Court Hotel i Upton St. Leonards

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHatton Court Hotel



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Upton Hill, GL4 8DE, Upton St. Leonards, Gloucestershire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1452 617412
internet side: www.hatton-court.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.823522, Longitude: -2.20819

kommentar 5

  • Tomas Mnahoncak

    Tomas Mnahoncak


    My wife and I really enjoyed our one night stay accompanied by our pooch. Beautiful room, attentive and friendly staff. Nothing was a problem. The hotel is set in beautiful surroundings and it served what we wanted from it. To deliver peaceful reset from busy day to day life.

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    Anna Jones


    Was boiling hot day and came for afternoon tea today. We were put next to the window and sunshine blazing in, we were not ask if we wanted shadey table or window open. It ruin the experience as we only got 1 cup of tea and no tap water. Food came was 👍 but lady waiter was bit rude but the male waiter was lovely. But will not be coming bk in hurry unless things change

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    Fred Carter


    Stayed here a few times, location is ok, but the entrance to the car park is far too tight for coaches to get in without several stunts, or blocking the road to reverse in. They always put drivers on the top floor (despite working all day to bring their clients in) with no lift, sporadic hot water in rooms, WiFi intermittent, shower heads fixed in 1 position which for me is lower than my shoulders. And when confronted about it, they don't care. The top floor rooms have badly placed roof beams which make it hard to navigate around the room without a head injury

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    Frankie Boffey


    Dear staff at Hatton Court, first of all before I get started I want to let you know this is actually River Maiden, Babs Daniell's (was Maiden) daughter who's parents got married at Hatton Court on Friday 20th April. (I don't have an account but really wanted to write a review to let everyone know how wonderful you guys are) And of course to thank you. You were all truly amazing, friendly, helpful, professional yet still personal at the right times. The perfect balance! You were so well organised and hard working to make everything run smoothly and we are so grateful to you. Especially Tom! And I'm sorry to say I have forgotten the lovely ladies name with dark hair and glasses. You were both great and I hope you are appreciated and valued for how well you both work. The same goes to all of you. We were quite unorganized and you guys were so patient and understanding. We can not thank you enough. I hope to see you again next time and if not, take care and best wishes for you all! River and family.

  • David McKlatch

    David McKlatch


    The hotel is nice looking with a rich history. The rooms are comfortable. It is not perfect, there are a lot of maintenance issues and we experienced some administration problems which might not have been resolved without our own integrity (undercharged). If there is a wedding on during your stay you might have to park in the next village along the road and walk back. We were staying there for a wedding somewhere else and we were very pleased with Hatton Court Hotel's hospitality. The photographs on display inside are wonderful!

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