Headrow Dental i Leeds

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHeadrow Dental



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5, The Headrow, LS1 6PU, Leeds, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 113 243 4014
internet side: www.headrowdentalleeds.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.7988051, Longitude: -1.5403021

kommentar 5

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    Sam Kettlewell


    Good Dentistry work however we suffered because of the business lack of cooperation with Denplan procedures. We required an emergency appointment and unfortunately no one at Headrow was available. Under Denplan procedures any dentist office that is closed and unable to perform emergency must provide an alternative Dentist. This was not the case unfortunately and we were left to source the new dentist ourselves. To further compile our problems Headrow Dental refused to honour the 10% discount on procedures offered by Denplan Cover. Despite the high standards of care offered, I was disappointed by how the business failed to honour what was promised before initially signing up.

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    julie cawood


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    Gareth Williams


    Needed some emergency treatment and these guys came through at very short notice. Friendly, professional and, importantly, I didn't feel a thing!

  • Bebe Couture

    Bebe Couture


    Thank you. I am very happy with my super white teeth thanks to Headrow Dental. I had my teeth whitened yesterday and it was a good experience. They are very professional, friendly and accomodating. I would recommend them to anyone seeking a reputable and professional cosmetic dentist in Leeds.

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    cyber lover


    I visited Headrow Dental recently for some dental work. I have never been a great fan of dentists hence the need for dental work! Having not been in a dentist for fifteen years or so I must say that the experience was not what I expected. From the moment I entered the practice the atmosphere was warm and very welcoming. The staff were very friendly and open and even asked me what drink I would like. They had an array of drinks on offer not the typical water from the cooler! Anyway, the dentist who did the work on my teeth not only did a great job but was honestly a great guy. He was very friendly and caring, not stiff and boring as I had experienced in my past. He did great job on my teeth and with the great customer service I received I have to say Headrow Dental is a great cosmetic dentist to go to for dental work if you want professionalism, customer service and great dental work. I thank you Bob for recommending them. Sy

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