Heaven i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeHeaven


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17, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7930 2020
internet side: www.heavennightclub-london.com
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Latitude: 51.5079149, Longitude: -0.1244919

kommentar 5

  • GoogleMeNow



    I've got no idea why ppl rate this place so badly. Me and my gf went here and it was so awesome. It was our first time as well. Everyone is friendly, the whole atmosphere is out of this world. Music was top notch we had so much fun. Prices are reasonable. Two rooms for dancing each plays something different. Very enjoyable experience. And security was also very nice. Abuse is strictly not tolerated. Will surely go again 👌

  • Nightset App

    Nightset App


    It's an ordinary (in terms of sexual orientation) club but there are some great gay nights! There's free entry for students. The stuff are nice and helpful. The have a huuuge dance floor (and really nice ping pong table). It's appealing to both hetero and gay people. You can express yourself here. And prices are reasonable too. If you want to get discounts and look inside the club before you go, we have an app which helps with that: bit.ly/Nightset_App

  • Ana Pilar Rubio

    Ana Pilar Rubio


    ADVICE: if you are a big group, divide into small groups because they might deny you the entrance. This happened to us when I was celebrating my birthday and I wanted to take my friends to a Gay club, first of all because I am gay and second, cause usually gay clubs are always more fun to go party to. We weren’t drunk at all and we did the line as usual but when we got to the doorman they asked me how many people were in my group and as an honest person I said 15. They denied us the entrance because we were more than 5 people and bigger groups “create trouble”. Excuse me? I am sure there is single people or groups of 3 that can create more “trouble” than my 15 friends together. They asked us for a membership card and they have never asked me for that and I’ve come to this club a big amount of times. Conclusion, you just lost 15 people that were gonna pay the entrance tonight but even better, you lost a regulars. THIS CLUB IS NOT THAT GOOD OR SUCH HIGH END CLUB TO DENY US AN ENTRANCE JUST BECAUSE WE ARE A BIG GROUP. Too bad there is not that many gay clubs in London.

  • Sally



    Great R&B room, and nice lounge chill out area. Sound system is good. There’s a long queue for drinks and outside to get in when busy. There’s a ping pong table which is fun and also great variations in music. The staff are firm but nice enough! Our go to gay club as an easy choice.

  • en

    Zoe Greenway


    Always had amazing nights here. Trendy and you feel very comfortable to express your true self. Always meet lots of new people when on a night out here, perfect for an unplanned night out - never come in heels here as there are a lot of stairs anyway but they also don’t allow them because of H&S. everyone I have taken here gay or straight have had an amazing night - and we’re surprised they loved it so much.

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