Highfield House Hotel i Southampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHighfield House Hotel



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119, Highfield Lane, SO17 1AQ, Southampton, Southampton, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8055 4223
internet side: www.highfieldhousehotel.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.9277406, Longitude: -1.3922304

kommentar 5

  • Jose Hollis

    Jose Hollis


    Very nice and helpful staff, clean room and bathroom, comfortable beds and good car parking. Convenient supermarket, restaurant, and takeaway's, also oriental supermarket. All very good.

  • en

    Paul Hogben


    Not the most modern or roomy of places but it is clean and tidy with good car parking. The huge bonus is the free mobile phone in the room for visitors which you can take out and use to guide yoi round the city. Brilliant!

  • en

    Sarah Carr


    We stayed here for new years eve, the receptionist was a lovely quirky lady and very welcoming. The hotel is more dated than the photos show. Our room (39) was very cold and drafty, the decor very dated and the bathroom wasn't very nice, shower was pathetic and the bath really old and stained there was mould around the bathroom window also and it smelled damp. Probably because the extractor fan didn't work. It was OK for £48 but that didn't include breakfast. The drinks list stated you could obtain them from reception but in fact my partner has to go next door to the neighbouring bar to get a drink. We probably wouldn't stay again.

  • Jonathan Pepler

    Jonathan Pepler


    Staff are generally friendly but ultimately often unhelpful. The rooms are decent, although varying in quality (the bathroom, in particular, can vary a lot in quality). I had water pressure issues when staying on the top floor. WiFi is also spotty if you are on a high floor, otherwise fine. Breakfast is pretty good, although relatively expensive. All in all, a decent place to stay for business or short stops, but less so for pleasure.

  • William Lay

    William Lay


    I checked in late, the night porter was very friendly and helpful! The room was a bit cold for my liking when I arrived and the heating appeared to be off. I was warm enough under the duvet though! Breakfast was well varied, with continental and hot options all available. Very reasonable price for it too. Would happily stay here again.

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