Hilton Bath City i Bath

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Det Forenede KongerigeHilton Bath City


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Walcot Street, BA1 5BJ, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1225 463411
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 51.384319, Longitude: -2.359236

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jordan Holmes


    Beautiful room with a clean and tidy service each morning. Breakfast was also really good! It's location is borderline central Bath so optimal for the average tourist!

  • Peter Holmes

    Peter Holmes


    Great place and fantastic location. The staff were really friendly and helpful. The room was really good, nice and clean, with the usual Hilton facilitates

  • Kevin bob

    Kevin bob


    Had a lovely afternoon tea. It was excellent. Top quality cakes and sandwiches. Really pleasant surroundings. Hotel is easy to find next door to Waitrose.

  • Anne Nguyen

    Anne Nguyen


    If you manage to get a room facing the river, the view is lovely. We read reviews about how small the rooms are and cannot comment on that because we were upgraded and our room size was rather reasonable. You can tell however that the furnishings were rather dated. The breakfast on a Monday was a made to order affair and was below average. Considering the many nice food options in Bath, skip breakfast at the hotel if you can. That said, the location is superb!

  • Mark Radford

    Mark Radford


    What a great location when visiting Bath. In the heart of the city just a few minutes walk to the Roman Baths, the Abbey and great shopping. Car park is not part of the hotel but they have an arrangement and cap the parking at £17.50 for as long as you stay in and don't remove the car. If you're just visiting bath there is virtually no reason to leave the car park so that's an excessively good deal. The restaurant is quite good and the full English breakfast will fill you up for a day of walking. Bedrooms are quite modern although the hallway carpet probably needs replacement soon. I also would suggest dispensing with the baths and replacing them with showers, at least in some of the rooms. We had a family room, so perhaps the others are like that. Service was excellent. Highly recommended!

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