Hilton Liverpool City Centre i Liverpool

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHilton Liverpool City Centre


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3, Thomas Steers Way, L1 8LW, Liverpool, Merseyside, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 151 708 4200
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 53.4024406, Longitude: -2.9883577

kommentar 5

  • Nicolas Nicolaou

    Nicolas Nicolaou


    The executive suite is massive with great views of the shopping mall and the docks...the exchange restaurant is AMAZING with reasonable prices and helpful staff,thumbs up to Anna!!!

  • Alison Cruz

    Alison Cruz


    Powerful bath and extremely comfortable beds make for an excellent night sleep. My kids absolutely loved the pancake maker at the breakfast buffet, they wish we could have brought it home with us, to have every morning. The location is ideal for a spot of shopping in Liverpool One, which has every shop you could ever need. Lucy in reception was very friendly and helpful to our requests. Can't wait to return.

  • en

    Margaret Jones


    Went for an early Mother's Day treat with my daughter and had afternoon tea with a glass of bubbly. Staff were very attentive . Food was nice and well presented. Would recommend.

  • Daniel Dewey

    Daniel Dewey


    Nice hotel and perfect for being near to the city centre and the docks. Small complaint that the shower in my room only dispensed cold water. I heard another customer make the same complaint so think they had a particular issue that day.

  • Lee Charnley

    Lee Charnley


    Great location in the city centre. Staff were amazing - very attentive and helpful. The evening meal in The Exchange was fantastic, as was the buffet breakfast. Room was clean and spacious and the bed was extremely comfortable

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