Hilton York i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHilton York


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1, Tower Street, YO1 9WD, York, York, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 648111
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 53.9563701, Longitude: -1.0805315

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sara Tomlinson


    Service was excellent. Bar area was very cold. Rooms very clean but the toilet hadn't been cleaned properly. It was no more impressive than a Premier Inn. The only difference was the decor. Full English Breakfast was buffet style. Quality was quite good but not exceptional and not very hot due to self service style. Valet parking £20 at the hotel was useful and we were allowed to leave the car a while after checking out which was a bonus.

  • Andrew Moorhead

    Andrew Moorhead


    Love this hotel. The surroundings are lovely. Everything is in walking distance. We ate an evening meal in the hotels restaurant and the food and service was excellent. Will definitely stay here again.

  • Jonathan Malory

    Jonathan Malory


    Great location in the city centre, but a little expensive. Still, it is quite posh though so not sure I’d call it overpriced. Stayed there one night and was lucky enough to get a room with a view of Clifford’s Tower, which was nice. Not sure what the views are like on the other side. Great spot for tourist and for folks on a night out as the clubs and pubs are all nearby, though if you’re here for the latter you perhaps won’t care what the hotel is like as you won’t remember it! 😉

  • en

    david lowry


    Really like this hotel because of its location. Hilton honors and you get two bottles of water. If your a breakfast person try and get a deal where it’s included it’s a tad pricey but is an excellent menu. Nice bar. Always found the staff very helpful and friendly. Nice large well equipped rooms. If your lucky you may get one facing Clifford Tower. Again an excellent location

  • da

    Whitch Catz


    Excellent service dejligt værelse

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