Holiday Inn Chester - South i Chester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHoliday Inn Chester - South



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Wrexham Road, Cheshire, Chester CH4 9DL, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 871 942 9019
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Latitude: 53.1580093, Longitude: -2.9110376

kommentar 5

  • Ian Holman

    Ian Holman


    It starts off looking a little dated from the outside, but the reception is warm and welcoming. The rooms were well kept and very clean. The bar area is nice as are the pool facilities. Staff friendly and welcoming.

  • en

    Boring Guy


    Great staff. 10 mins drive from Chester town center. I believe there is also a bus that's runs to the town and stops outside the hotel. Rooms are nice and comfortable. Staff are great and there is plenty of parking. Good facilities. However I was a bit annoyed to arrive to a broken hot tub in the spa center this should have been advised on the website in my opinion. However the gym and pool where still available to use so this was fine

  • en

    Graham Peacock


    Simple hotel with comfortable rooms. Breakfast is good. On the down side the bar is expensive as is the restaurant. An evening meal of ordinary quality soaks up £20. Pool and health center always nice to have

  • Andrew Horton

    Andrew Horton


    The hotel is clean and comfortable. The new bar/coffee are is nice with a mix of booths and an open area. Public transport is available from just outside in to Chester, it is very regular and runs late. Breakfast was a wide choice of hot and cold food so I definitely didn't leave hungry. The bed was a bit too soft for me but that's a personal choice. The on suite was a good size with a large shower area. All the staff were friendly and welcoming.

  • Sean Turner

    Sean Turner


    Comfortable accommodation. Unable to rate the restaurant at dinner time due to a limited menu over Christmas time but can not praise breakfast enough. All you can eat, serve yourself. Food was hot and plentiful. There was no need to wait around for a breakfast item to come from the kitchen whilst others were going cold, which I have experienced at other hotels. Friendly and helpful staff. Can not fault anything.

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