Holiday Inn Express Bradford City Centre i Bradford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHoliday Inn Express Bradford City Centre



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Vicar Lane, BD1 5LD, Bradford, West Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 902 1542
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.7915304, Longitude: -1.7471714

kommentar 5

  • en



    Hotel amenities are good. Rooms are clean. Problem is the walls are paper thin. And doors and windows are not sound proof. Was kept up all night by children running through the halls, rowdy people in the street and crying baby in room next door. You will definitely need ear plugs.

  • en

    Bill Gardiner


    Friendly staff. Affordable rooms of a excellent standard. Modern and very clean. Highly recommendable.

  • Matt Underwood

    Matt Underwood


    Good price. Nice and central. Fairly quiet. Inclusive breakfast is pretty good (maybe not the coffee! ). Convenient for railway and bus stations.

  • Samantha Constance

    Samantha Constance


    It worked at 3am on a snowy Saturday morning. They're central and easy to find. Parking is ample and cheap. They throw in a breakfast and the rooms are basically OK.

  • Matt & Stacie Campbell

    Matt & Stacie Campbell


    As a tourist from America this Holiday Inn is amazing. It's better than the Holiday Inns in London. Rooms are spacious and the bed is comfy. There are plenty of things to do right outside the door since the hotel is in a leisure center.

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