Holiday Inn Portsmouth i Portsmouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHoliday Inn Portsmouth



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Pembroke Road, PO1 2TA, Portsmouth, Portsmouth, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 942 9065
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Latitude: 50.788953, Longitude: -1.099175

kommentar 5

  • Dave Pemberton

    Dave Pemberton


    Rooms were reasonable if a little tired. The shower was absolutely fantastic - amazing pressure. Tea and coffee making facilities. Breakfast also really good. Usual negative with a holiday Inn is the locked down TV. There's no way to change the input to anything you plug in if you want to watch something from a computer.

  • en

    Wendy McCheyne


    Spent 3 nights here while visiting. Breakfast was good. Went to restaurant once for dinner and it was excellent, amazing food. Staff are very welcoming and friendly. Would definitely stay here again.

  • Maria



    The hotel has a great bar area with board games and excellent service. There is a reasonably sized pool with a nice, warm, bubbly hot tub. There is a sauna and steam room just next to the pool which is such a nice touch whether you're relaxing after a business meeting or spending quality time away from home. The rooms are a tad smaller than I'm used to but if you're on your own or not staying long it's perfectly suitable. The hotel is near to some great Portsmouth locations, most within walking distance- in actual fact, staying here could save you taxi fare. Breakfast was not spectacular but I couldn't complain either. It's a buffet so you will have more choice and quantity than you could possibly need. The hot drinks machine was great though. I had three or four mochas.

  • Chanohla Chukwudinma

    Chanohla Chukwudinma


    Its not bad. A few people that I stayed with moved due to mold and broken facilities. The car park is pretty small, but you get a permit for outside parking if full. Shopping (great shopping by the way), and the beach are walking distance. Lots of surrounding resturants and the hotel has a Starbucks. Staff were lovely as well

  • en

    Martin Hudson


    Great place to stay if visiting Portsmouth. Handy for university buildings if you need to go for open days or visit your student kids. Reasonable price, free parking, free facilities such as swimming pool and gym. Close to sea front and pubs if you don't want to eat in their restaurant. We were impressed!

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