Hotel Mercure Southampton Centre Dolphin i Southampton

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Det Forenede KongerigeHotel Mercure Southampton Centre Dolphin


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34-35, High Street, SO14 2HN, Southampton, Southampton, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8038 6460
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Latitude: 50.9001025, Longitude: -1.4033354

kommentar 5

  • Laura Beard

    Laura Beard


    The hotel is in a perfect central location for everything you might want to see, the staff are super friendly and the rooms are great. We stayed a couple of nights in one of the 'lane' rooms and it was clean, tidy and well kept. It was my birthday while we were staying and the staff put up balloons and banners in our room while we were out. It was so lovely! Would definitely stay here again.

  • Ellie Wickens

    Ellie Wickens


    Had our Christmas work do here. It was a lovely atmosphere and the decoration were great. Parking was an issue and we had to park a five minute walk away. Wasn't very keen on the main course but the pudding and starter was delicious. Staff were very accommodating, especially dietary requirements such as gluten free.

  • Christopher Trott

    Christopher Trott


    Generally quite in unimpressed by this hotel. It's rates itself as 4 star but I'm not sure about that. Though there are aspects I agree with others I don't. The rooms are small and while that isn't too much of an issue it's not exactly luxurious either. As for the bathroom, they have a kind of hospital feel with floors that are hard to describe. I'd expect tiles from a hotel of this caliber. Furthermore the design of the hotel is strange. All the rooms seems to be on different levels, and you even have to take some stairs to get to the lift. Single glass glass leaves me thinking the building doesn't really fit. I can't comment on the restaurant as I didn't eat there. But all the staff were welcoming and accommodating to my needs.

  • en

    Johnny McCormack


    I'm sure I'll be back to the hotel, the staff and facilities were excellent, although room service meals weren't as good as I've experienced at other Mercure hotels. The staff were all professional, polite and efficient. The people you have in the bar were especially good, but also reception, maintenance, cleaning staff and duty managers dealt with daily activities and problems with a smile on their faces. Maybe I was just unlucky with my choice of food from the restaurant, but after three attempts I chose to eat elsewhere in the many lovely restaurants around the hotel. Of the other restaurants, La Regata was an especially good tapas.

  • Sandra Thompson

    Sandra Thompson


    Initial impressions weren't great. Reception staff not very welcoming, my key card wasn't set up properly so I had to go back down to reception with all my bags to sort it out - was made to feel like it was my problem. Room was okay, clean bedroom, although bed linen appeared stained. Bathroom was clean but decor wasn't great - needed touching up around door frame and skirting. Shower was a bit of a disaster - leaked (despite trying to tuck in curtain) and I ended up having to use bath mat to mop up all the water. Dinner and breakfast were fine - lovely staff in the dining room.

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