Hotel Novotel Wolverhampton i Wolverhampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHotel Novotel Wolverhampton


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Union Street, WV1 3JN, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 1902 871100
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5844307, Longitude: -2.120313

kommentar 5

  • Mowaffaq Tahir

    Mowaffaq Tahir


    Nice place to visit for few days. Unfortunately the place of the hotel is very bad and it’s difficult to reach walking. In general the hotel is very clean, the rooms are very nice. The heating in the rooms is a disaster, you can’t do anything for it, the staff can’t doing anything with it as well! And above all that the staff are very friendly and ready to help!

  • Adam Whitehead

    Adam Whitehead


    Fantastic staff and really spacious and comfortable rooms. Modern shower and sink was a major plus and all at a very reasonable price!

  • Dan Hardaker

    Dan Hardaker


    The hotel is well located for the town and station but that's where the positives end. The rooms are tired with mould in the bathrooms and filthy light switches. It was also really hot all night with the heating off. There's no air conditioning and the hotel is on a busy ring road so you cannot sleep with the window open. Even with it closed you can hear announcements from the station. Finally, the bath mat is made of paper.

  • en

    Darren Wilson


    Thought the hotel was really nice but some of the decor in the rooms was tired. Not all of it, just the toilet room and external Windows. Overall room was good value, safe and secure free parking and a nice comfortable bed. The room was also difficult to cool down as no air-conditioning. Might be more of an issue in summer.

  • Piotr Ciuchta

    Piotr Ciuchta


    Dobry hotel w bardzo dobrej lokalizacji.

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