ibis Birmingham Centre Irving Street Hotel i Birmingham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede Kongerigeibis Birmingham Centre Irving Street Hotel


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55, Irving Street, B1 1DH, Birmingham, West Midlands, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 121 622 4925
internet side: www.accorhotels.com
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Latitude: 52.4727955, Longitude: -1.9022798

kommentar 5

  • John Hamlin

    John Hamlin


    My wife and I arrived, and were greeted by friendly staff. We were given room 35, which was larger than all of the other Ibis hotels we have stayed in. Also unusual for ibis our room had a bath. We plan to break our forth coming trip to stay here again. Very Good.

  • en

    Margaret Hodge


    Friendly & helpful staff. Room was clean and bed comfortable. In a v good location.

  • Tim Lewis

    Tim Lewis


    Cheap and cheerful motel style hotel. Room was basic but clean and for 50 quid is right in the center of Birmingham. Don't expect the Ritz Carlton but for a clean, cheap place to lay your head for the night it was fine. Just manage your expectations.

  • Lily Paelfire

    Lily Paelfire


    Dear GOD stay away from this place. It is filthy, poorly maintained, and makes you feel like an extra on Dexter. First impressions makes it look like a shady American motel where you will check out in a body bag. If I could give less stars, I would. I had a maggot on my pillow, the towels had not been washed so they were stained, and the shower curtain had this suspiciously urine coloured stain on it. Speaking of the shower, I get more water pressure out of a garden watercan than this one! The breakfast was no saving grace either where items were undercooked or drowned in grease.

  • en

    Laura Craig


    A hidden hotel on a Birmingham back street, so was quiet but close to amenities, though a bit creepy to walk to after dark. Rooms are comfortable, though some need a bit of redecoration, and are in separate blocks to reception with doors facing outside. Staff very friendly and the breakfast bar was just right, including delicious fresh mini pastries.

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