ibis Liverpool Centre Albert Dock Hotel i Liverpool

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Det Forenede Kongerigeibis Liverpool Centre Albert Dock Hotel


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27, Wapping, L1 8LY, Liverpool, Merseyside, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 151 603 2800
internet side: www.accorhotels.com
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Latitude: 53.4000529, Longitude: -2.9867737

kommentar 5

  • Helen West

    Helen West


    Well located with Albert dock an City centre nearby. Very basic room, not very clean, big stain patches on padded seat. Curtains were 3 blinds on a track which were ripping away from the track so we were worried it was going to completely come off. Surfaces were broken. Wifi had very good signal. The door card failed to work halfway through the evening so the next morning they gave us another which also failed to work. Car parking is ridiculously priced at £10 per day. Would not stay again.

  • Xf Xm

    Xf Xm


    Well it is not the best hotel in Liverpool, but by far it has the best coffee at breakfast! Another good point is that they got a car park. It is very well situated, close to the city centre and albert dock

  • Kian Redfern

    Kian Redfern


    I always stay here when I am in town, you can't beat the level of service here. I stayed in June with my grandson (who was only 2 months old) and everyone from housekeeping to the front desk was so accommodating. The only issue I had was that they were repaving the parking lot so you were only able to park on the backside (when I checked in) and most of those spots were taken up by some sort of construction crew (I was thinking the paving crew but there was too many for that) Was not a huge issue just a mild inconvenience with an infant and all of his gear. Still my favorite place to stay when I come to Liverpool.

  • en

    Peter Carver


    Not expensive. Couldn't be nearer, just across the road from the Albert Dock . Good place to stay if visiting the centre and tourist area. Decent breakfast food & service.

  • Richie Fagan

    Richie Fagan


    Perfect location, walking distance for anywhere in the city centre or docks area. Rooms very clean but basic, travelodge rooms are a grade up from these, except for the shower which is awesome and room enough for two. Staff seem to be new and still training except the manager who had all the answers. Cheap parking rates. Down side so far, very little city attractions information and no discounts for any that are promoted, contrary to what was advertised when booking online. To be continued as still on our weekend away. Would rate as 2star not the 3 as advertised but must also say the hotel was very quiet and a pleasant place to stay with mostly great views if you're lucky to get a front or back facing room.

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