Institute of Contemporary Arts i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeInstitute of Contemporary Arts



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The Mall, SW1Y 5AH, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7930 3647
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Latitude: 51.5063335, Longitude: -0.1309615

kommentar 5

  • Benoit Bishopp

    Benoit Bishopp


    The cinema is pretty small and you won't be able to bring drinks from the bar inside. The movies playing are generally interesting however.

  • Duncan Moore

    Duncan Moore


    I've walked past the ICA a hundred times but never went in until tonight. I missed out! Extremely interesting exhibition, a cool bar, a cinema and more! Will definitely be going back.

  • Alek Pikl

    Alek Pikl


    Was the first thing that I visited in London and by far one of the most remarkable ones. At the time they hosted an exhibition on Forensic Architecture and it was excellent! Extremely quality material explaining the topic in great detail. There is also a great caffee inside. The entrance fee was 1£.

  • Lola Olutola

    Lola Olutola


    Great small place to watch films that have stopped showing at multiplexes. Has a small bookshop and a gallery and cafe to browse which is great.

  • en

    Anne Foster


    The ICA was one of the first places I visited when I moved to London 18 years ago. I still remember how special it felt to visit, and it became one of my favourite places. The film selection remains excellent. However, watching films there can be quite uncomfortable owing to the seats and, worse, you can often hear crowds of people leaving the adjacent screen which is really distracting. I appreciate having an art house cinema in such a great central location, but I mainly visit for the exhibitions rather than the films now. Also has very good book shop.

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