Jurys Inn Derby i Derby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeJurys Inn Derby



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King Street, DE1 3DB, Derby, Derby, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1332 621000
internet side: www.jurysinns.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.9269015, Longitude: -1.4778422

kommentar 5

  • Tristan Hemsley

    Tristan Hemsley


    Very nice hotel. Well placed for access to derby Town centre. Did struggle to understand where to park and did have to follow the roads around multiple times. Clearer signage on the car park and how to access would be really appreciated. Staff were all. Very welcoming and amenities were spot on.

  • Gautam Sharma

    Gautam Sharma


    Neat and Clean Room... Well equipped... Nothing in general to complain about... Bed is comfortable and hospitality is good too... Parking can be a trouble however there is a car park nearby and hotel provides discount on parking fees...

  • Sara Vračko

    Sara Vračko


    Receptionist Georgina was very rude and abrupt. She would definitely benefit from customer service training! Not a great first impression! The car park is also tiny, spaces are tight, not enough for size of hotel and you have to pay. Only park there if you want your car to end up with dents and scratches! The restaurant was nice, and staff were friendly in there and made us feel welcome. The food was really nice. Just need to sort reception out .

  • Richard Fitzsimmons

    Richard Fitzsimmons


    Friendly welcome from the staff. Decent rate. On site parking is limited but chapel Street car park nearby is a good option and only a two minute walk. Rooms are clean if a little dated. Breakfast was excellent with a good range to chose from. Good stay, recommended.

  • Wing Gardner

    Wing Gardner


    We stayed there for two nights.. The entrance really nice the stuff really friendly... First room they offered us kids bed are broken.. And then my husband ask if we can move to another room...the breakfast is really good more choices.. All in one I give them four star...

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