JUST NEW ROOFS i Twickenham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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198, Kneller Road, TW2 7EF, Twickenham, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 7760 147111
internet side: www.justnewroofs.com
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Latitude: 51.4566428, Longitude: -0.3586091

kommentar 4

  • Mark King

    Mark King


    Had some roof damage, due to neighbour's firework display going wrong! Tony at JNR saw my request for help online and made an appointment to visit, which given the incoming bad weather was needed urgently. He came round on time, and had the issue completely fixed within the hour, and what's more for a very reasonable price. Would recommend giving him a call any time you have a roofing/guttering issue. Top man.

  • billy thirkettle

    billy thirkettle


    Recently had some damages repaired by just new roofs and all new guttering completed and I must say I’m over the moon with not only the standard of work but also the guys who’s done the work. Very efficient and polite. I will most definitely be using these guys in the future. Thank you for your services

  • Arron Kaill

    Arron Kaill


    Me and mother had a new roof done by just new roofs and the work that was carried out was done to a professional standard, also it was very competitive on price and they were always clean and tidy !! I highly recommend them to anyone!

  • Antony Harriss

    Antony Harriss


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