Lellers Car Valeting i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeLellers Car Valeting



🕗 åbningstider

2, Kendal Street, W2 2BW, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 800 731 6353
internet side: www.lellers.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5155264, Longitude: -0.1645341

kommentar 5

  • Ben Harris

    Ben Harris


    Would recommend did a great job.

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    Tim Tierney


    This has to be the slowest car wash in London, in the end I had to leave without the car being dried off as I had been waiting 1 hr with only 2 cars ahead of me on entering, the staff are rude and aggressive, If I operated my business in this manner I would be out of business within a week - avoid at all costs unless you like to watch people working at a snails pace with an aggressive attitude. If ever a business deserved 0 stars this is it

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    Aaleyah Hussein


    Just had my car cleaned they did a good job

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    Great service , fab staff

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    Zak Choudhury


    A message for the owner: please train your staff to do the job that you pay them for instead of leaving a car in the middle of a wash and chatting with each other and finding other things to do. Your car wash could do so much better and have a faster turnaround and generate more revenue for yourself if only the staff would do their job. This is the slowest car wash in my experience. I hope these words will strike a cord with you and I am sure I speak on behalf of nearly all your customers. Thank you.

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