Liberty London i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeLiberty London



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Regent Street, W1B 5AH, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7734 1234
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Latitude: 51.513829, Longitude: -0.140175

kommentar 5

  • Danielle Lloyd

    Danielle Lloyd


    Beautiful shop with a gorgeous carved wood interior, making it a lovely space to have a little peruse. Clothing are also not all as expensive as you might think, particularly as they often have really good sales. Also really well curated with lovely brands.

  • en

    Karrie Langdon


    I visited Liberty in London for the first time. I was looking for something smart /casual to travel in and go out in the evening. A gentleman assistant helped me chose a top which went with a pair of jeans I had bought. The top has a contemporary art pattern on it's surface which is bold and exciting. It is perfect for putting in my rucksack as it does not crease. I had a great shopping experience and I am delighted with my purchase. I will definitely start to shop at Liberty. .

  • en

    Liz Mazura


    Love Liberty. The Beauty Hall is a dream... Went in looking for a moisturiser, got my make up done while I was there.... and managed to stay within budget. Every floor is full of all the things you want - things you wouldn't necessarily buy yourself but you'd be really pleased if someone else bought you. Wonderful perfume. Sensational fabric. Staff who are passionate about the things they're selling and delighted for you to share this passion. My favourite store.

  • David Pigott

    David Pigott


    Was not keen on this department store. I'm sure if you have the money and it's your taste then this store would be great for you. The items on sale just were not my cup of tea. Stunning building and love that they kept the old aesthetic.

  • Alex Cluney

    Alex Cluney


    As expected, everything in the shop was exceptional. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The shop itself looked absolutely beautiful and the woodwork everywhere and the design was just simply breath taking. The products themselves were all top of the range and the staff were very well read on all the products. I thoroughly enjoyed my look around the shop although I could not afford the lovely things inside! Thanks to the staff who made the experience wonderful.

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