Louis Vuitton London New Bond Street i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeLouis Vuitton London New Bond Street



🕗 åbningstider

17/20, New Bond Street, W1S 2RB, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3214 9200
internet side: uk.louisvuitton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5107592, Longitude: -0.1426439

kommentar 5

  • Mads Bækdahl

    Mads Bækdahl


    Flinke medarbejdere

  • en

    Ashraf Fathah


    Very helpful staff, was offered a drink while I was looking around, the store is huge and a true flagship for the brand. The toilets are stunning but as you would expect for Louis Vuitton, plenty of choice but you will pay top dollar. It was definitely a pleasant shopping experience.

  • en

    Sean 1


    Clearly plenty of staff, yet still had to wait longer than expected to be served but I am willing to let this slide considering it was a Saturday afternoon. All staff seemed to be friendly, knowledgeable and generally attentive. I was very impressed with the pleasant and welcoming front of house host who ensured that all of the customers were served in the order that they entered the store in by taking names on his iPad and then assigning us sales assistants. We were offered refreshments whilst we waited which was appreciated. The lady who served me was very nice and even though the store did not have the product that I wanted in-stock, she willingly checked the stock status of it in nearby Selfridges and Harrods.

  • Rosie G F

    Rosie G F


    Staff at this store and the store in Selfridges were very welcoming and very friendly. I had an excellent experience today when I collected my birthday present. My brother told them it was my birthday and they wrote me a birthday card which was a lovely touch. Thank you very much Fadi for a wonderful experience

  • da

    Jette Andersen


    Fantastisk service

nærmeste Sko butik

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