Lowdham Stores i Lowdham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeLowdham Stores


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17, Main Street, NG14 7AB, Lowdham, Nottinghamshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 115 966 3055
internet side: www.lowdhams.com
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Latitude: 53.0102547, Longitude: -1.0033483

kommentar 2

  • en

    Heather Cherrie


    Owners are very defensive, hostile and uncooperative. This review would have 0 stars but I had to give 1 to post this. My partner and I purchase and receive Sunday Times vouchers every quarter which I take to the Lowdham Stores in exchange for the Times newspaper each Sunday. Unfortunately approx. a year ago I mislaid the quarterly vouchers but thought I’d given them into Lowdham Stores at the time. I talked to Lowdham Stores about this in an adult manner with no accusations and they tried to find them in store for me to no avail. The Sunday Times wouldn’t send the vouchers again so my partner and I ended up paying for papers we never received. Unfortunate but one of those things. The Sunday Times strongly advised me to ask for a receipt in future. Eventually I found the vouchers at home and so I took them into Lowdham Stores and therefore didn’t have to pay for the papers which had vouchers still in date. They get very defensive, hostile and uncooperative when I ask for a receipt which the Sunday Times have asked me to. The husband got angry with me the first time I asked for one saying ‘this is ridiculous, you lost them!’ I calmly explained that the Sunday Times had asked me to and although I lost them I was the only one that suffered any consequences for that and a receipt will at least remind me that I did give them in or not, in future. Each time I ask for a receipt from the husband I have had better results with the last time him serving me regarding this he just wrote the receipt without me asking for it which I was pleased about. I have just been in again to take the next quarterly vouchers and the wife steadfastly refused to write me a receipt. She made a few different excuses of she doesn’t have time, she doesn’t know how to, her husband is the only one who can write a receipt. She threatened to cancel my papers when I kept asking for the receipt and saying she could just write it on a piece of paper like her husband does. Approx. 10 minutes later she did just that and wrote me a receipt which took approx. 10 seconds to do. Other customers were waiting the 10 minutes she chose to stall me for when it was clearly within her power to write the receipt all along. I feel they have mistaken me asking for a receipt as some kind of personal attack on them and they have lost all perspective that I am a customer. I may take my business elsewhere at some point but I have felt compelled to write this negative review now as I wouldn’t want anyone else to receive this continued bad treatment in future without me sharing my experience .

  • Devan Rhodes

    Devan Rhodes


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