Malmaison Aberdeen i Aberdeen

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Det Forenede KongerigeMalmaison Aberdeen



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49-53, Queen's Road, AB15 4YP, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 330 016 0380
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Latitude: 57.1409092, Longitude: -2.1356343

kommentar 5

  • cheryl kerr

    cheryl kerr


    Must have been here over 20 times and everytime the food has been excellent. Best steak in Aberdeen. Love the decoration of the restaurant. Only slight niggle is it takes awhile to get a cocktail, so you are always better to order your next one when you get your drink!

  • Gary Spooner

    Gary Spooner


    Very nice venue, best malmaison ive stayed in. Restaurant was top notch, very relaxed and stylish feel with top quality food. Had 3 meals there and all 3 were very nice, loads of flavour and very well presented. Staff were very helpful and willing to accommodate to any requests, highly recommended

  • en

    Gordon Thomson


    Great atmosphere in the lounge bar area and a good lunch menu great staff who are friendly and helpfull

  • en

    Pauliina Vuorinen


    The restaurant in Malmaison is elegant and stylish, the staff is friendly and welcoming. They have a good wine list, and the cocktails in the bar are great. The food, on the other hand, was a slight disappointment. Everyone eating steak in the group said it was good, however chicken and vegetarian dishes were either bland, dry or salty. I would recommend Malmaison for lunch as I heard it is good, or for drinks as the cocktails are great.

  • mika mendoza

    mika mendoza


    This used to be one of my favorite places for date night but our last visit left such a bad impression that I don't think my husband and I will be in a hurry to go back. We recently went for dinner to celebrate my birthday on a slow Monday evening. We were ignored for the first 15 minutes with no offer of water, cocktails, or menu. My husband's steak was cooked medium instead of medium rare and mine was cooked medium rare instead of medium, we ordered two different cuts so this confusion should not have happened. To top it off, our server neglected to give us steak knives and promptly ignored us for the the first 20 minutes of our meal that by the time we flagged someone down, our steaks had gone cold. Shame to see such a beautiful establishment operate poorly because of inadequate training.

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