Manchester Piccadilly i Manchester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeManchester Piccadilly


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Manchester M60 7RA, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 845 711 4141
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Latitude: 53.4774029, Longitude: -2.2309325

kommentar 5

  • Andrew L

    Andrew L


    A good, big and busy city station.

  • Mustafa N.Jwad

    Mustafa N.Jwad


    Nice train station easy to use you can find almost any thing you need for travel

  • L T

    L T


    A standard train station. Easy to use and spacious. Not much else to say...

  • Zaheer Mirza

    Zaheer Mirza


    The train station went through a face lift several years back... The station now has a good hand full of cafe places like Starbucks to eating places... There is also a well stocked sainsbury and boots which is hand to have... There is also a platform for the metro link station to various destinations with a well stocked taxi stand. As a visitor you can. Get 30min free parking around the taxi stand but there isn't allot of spaces but with the timescale you an Park you always find a spot. There are several ways to exit the station with plenty of car parks around the area of you wish to park up.

  • en

    John Robertson


    Good station well staffed helpful has travel aitor and lifts to upper floor . Also has lifts and escalator down to teams and taxi rank. polite staff. Booking office for intercity trains.Good security some armed police. Good shop and cafes excellent facilities.

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