Mannings Hotel i Truro

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMannings Hotel



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82, Lemon Street, TR1 2QB, Truro, Cornwall, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1872 270345
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Latitude: 50.2627641, Longitude: -5.051146

kommentar 5

  • en

    Marion Waldron


    I have been staying at Mannings on and off for several weeks now. I have found all the staff to be very friendly and helpful. The food is very good. Even at this time of the year, they have been busy. So make your reservations as early as possible. I would suggest that Mannings would probably not be very suitable for children. I would like to say a big thank you to Martin , in reception , he has been extremely helpful. To Nancy for being so attentive, at breakfast. Also to Jeanette and the chamber maids efficient and friendly. A special word to Lynn, Sam and Gwen would be very proud of you.

  • en

    polly bourke


    Visited Mannings for drinks with some friends. No place to sit or stand in bar area, so asked if we could sit at a table with the restaurant area. No one sitting in the nearby tables. We were informed no, as we are getting tables ready for breakfast. There were plenty staff on standing round, so I am sure it wouldn’t have taken them very long to prepare the table after we finished our drinks. Felt very disappointed by the staffs manner. Quick enough to take your money. Live locally and shall not be returning or nor will our guests.

  • Dids Reeve

    Dids Reeve


    Lunch in the reasonably busy restaurant was good. The decor and lighting are relaxed and contemporary. The staff were attentive the dirty napkin at my place setting was replaced unapologetically. I had Thai green chicken curry which was very good, and my friends enjoyed their burger and tempura fish. Portion sizes seemed over generous to me. The puddings were delicious.

  • Nathan Hollow

    Nathan Hollow


    Visited for lunch and it was excellent. Food was delicious, really big menu to chose from and they had a gluten free menu for my sister. Everything was very reasonably priced. It's expensive for Truro, but not compared to London for example. Staff were very friendly. Really lovely people. All round a great lunchtime visit.

  • Drew Hanchett

    Drew Hanchett


    Wonderful hotel right in the centre of a great little city. The historic building has been sensitively converted to the highest standards; our room was spacious, luxurious, and quiet, with a great view over the rooftops of Truro. The staff were professional, courteous and friendly throughout. I've paid much more elsewhere for an inferior experience. Breakfast was a bit too formal for my liking, but the food answer service was perfect.

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