Mercure Sheffield St Paul's Hotel and Spa i Sheffield

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Det Forenede KongerigeMercure Sheffield St Paul's Hotel and Spa


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119, Norfolk Street, S1 2JE, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 114 278 2000
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Latitude: 53.3800262, Longitude: -1.4685255

kommentar 5

  • Mirror Installs

    Mirror Installs


    Lovely hotel. Great staff. Very accommodating. Only quarm is that the menu was the same two nights running. Breakfast has a good range. Spa and pool is very good.

  • en

    Emma Shuttleworth


    Visited the hotel spa. Really enjoyed our time here, lovely staff and the treatments were excellent. The pool was very pleasant and warm, the thermal suite was great too. Will definitely return.

  • George Chandler

    George Chandler


    A lovely venue in a nice spot in the centre of Sheffield, adjacent to the pretty Winter gardens. A high end establishment serving drinks and holding dinners. The food was very good indeed and the service quick and efficient.

  • en

    Ali Ag


    I didn't stay in the hotel but I've been to a 3 day conference there. The hall was nice, chairs okay, sound system and lights were fine. Lunch on first day was nice since with good choices of meat, fish, vegetables, rice etc. we had that in the restaurant. The following day however it was appaling. The hotel brought us sandwiches and spicy chicken wings. Really! 3 stars at best.

  • mark whitemoss

    mark whitemoss


    Very nice place to stay if you're visiting the centre of Sheffield rooms are decent priced for city centre and there are lots of things to do and see around the hotel. Parking is a little bit expensive at £12.50 per day but I can only expect that from the city centre. Only stayed the one night but thought it was a very comfortable room comfortable beds well laid out and overall very good. Would certainly recommend a stay.

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