Monument Wines i Birmingham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMonument Wines



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187, Monument Road, B16 8UU, Birmingham, West Midlands, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 121 456 5007
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Latitude: 52.4734924, Longitude: -1.9305307

kommentar 5

  • Laura Fiterson

    Laura Fiterson


    Great prices friendly stuff lovely place

  • Jamie Brownhill

    Jamie Brownhill


    Super friendly and polite staff

  • Joshua Oki

    Joshua Oki


    The strategic location of this shop makes it a great place to get quick booze at odd times if you don't want to make the 15 minutes walk to a pub in Broad Street. I was formerly living along Waterworks/Harold road and found it really easy to buy things here. A big plus is that it's cheaper than high street shops. And even when closed late at night, you can walk up to the main road at the junction (Hagley road), and would see a 24-hour shop where you could also buy drinks.

  • en

    Grzegorz Haglauer


    Very good shop, great staff. When I was really desperate for a beer (unfortunately I have some alcohol issues) and was waiting for JSA, very kind Sir there - the owner I think - gave me 4 cans of cider and let me pay next day. Small thing but I really needed it that time. I am happy to have such a friendly shop nearby! Cheers!

  • en

    Aut J-H


    Good selection of alcohol and even comestibles, very friendly service

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