Natwest i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeNatwest



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1, Market Street, YO1 8SR, York, York, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 345 788 8444
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Latitude: 53.9583345, Longitude: -1.0827648

kommentar 5

  • Stu Long

    Stu Long


    Unhelpful banking & snobby staff that lie! - Our local branch had recently been closed down so we visited the York City Centre branch to discuss opening a couple of saving accounts one been a joint account which according to their telephone banking service we had to open in branch due to needing a couple of physical signatures from both parties involved. Upon visiting the branch we approached (or should I say interrupted) 3 members of staff who were just stood around talking and weren't serving anyone. After somewhere over 30 awkward seconds of waiting for one of them to acknowledge us one of the staff reluctantly turned to deal with us. We explained what we wanted to do & what we'd been told by their telephone banking service to be told that they were too busy to deal with that request and we'd have to arrange an appointment (the bank was empty and there were 5 members of staff in view and at the time no one was serving anyone). We explained that we had tried to book an appointment online however according to their online website there were slots available but we couldn't select or get confirmation of an appointment. Upon hearing this the women just looked down her nose at us as if we were lying (I didn't take the name of this woman however she was quite old, had short dark hair and came across a bit uptight). We then said we'd just leave it to which this woman just said fine and turned to get back to her conversation with her colleagues. As we were there we went to one of the cashiers to draw out some money to then be asked about our mortgage (clearly wanting to try and sell us their products) and that someone would be able to talk us through our options while we were there - so no time to discuss savings that cost them money however quite happy and available to discuss us moving our mortgage to them to make money. So in summary; staff stood around doing nothing but gossiping with each other, staff lying to us and talking to us like something on the bottom of their shoe. We've banked with Natwest for over 15 years... And quite frankly I'm disgusted by this individual representative from their branch today. Well here's your well deserved 1 star Natwest, 1 Market St, York YO1 8SR you earned it... I'd bet as well that the account we wanted to set-up wouldn't have taken more than 10 minutes to do.

  • Water Liu

    Water Liu


    Their cheques had cute animal patterns

  • Joe Foote

    Joe Foote


    I'm self employed, I've been with Natwest for 10 years now. In 2004 I started university and signed up for an overdraft which would entitle me to a £2000 overdraft. In 2011 I finished a Masters course, which is when my studying finished. Last week I found out Natwest had incrementally been increasing the interest paid on this overdraft year upon year, something which I imagine I would of signed for in 2004. Now by the letter of the law, Natwest have done nothing wrong, however I was shocked when I found this info out, it was years ago I signed up for this - I am now paying £25+ interest per month! These were payments that I hadn't picked up on, Natwest had not provided me any further info on this since signing up all those years ago neither had they explained to me there were better options available! I setup a meeting with Gavin at the York branch to go through this. I had paid £1000s in interest without anyone making me aware or advising me of other options all this time - I could have been on a personal loan and paid back my overdraft by this time, given the right advice and support. I asked for evidence of notice (letters sent to me detailing the exact info on interest payments/increases etc.) and was told they don't keep this information on file. Gavin offered zero support or understanding, in his words it is my "own personal responsibility". I'm self employed and have just started a new job which means all I was given was a date in the diary 3 months away to revisit everything. My credit rating is good, I have always paid back these interest payments why was there no conversation on ways to change from this interest deal to something useful to me as a customer. If Gavin and the York branch looked into the situation a little more closely they will have seen that my whole family have been extremely loyal Natwest customers for years. Immediately after I setup a meeting with another bank who offered more understanding, support (and a better personal loan deal, which is what I should have been on from the beginning with Natwest given the right advice) within 10 minutes. I am looking to transfer to a Bank who offers support to customers, especially trust-worthy Self Employed customers, who looks to help and find the best solution, not exploit and treat without care. Which is how I feel right now. TSB look to operate within those morals. I've thrown £1000s away when I could have been advised otherwise.

  • Dean Worrall

    Dean Worrall


    Promoting self service banking. Good service.

  • en

    Opaque Bear


    Good bank but only accessible during working hours apart from Saturdays, need to take time off work to go in

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