NatWest i Coventry

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeNatWest



🕗 åbningstider

24, Broadgate, CV1 1NE, Coventry, West Midlands, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 345 788 8444
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.4073497, Longitude: -1.5102635

kommentar 5

  • Stuart Fraser Manning

    Stuart Fraser Manning


    I'm currently cueing and have been for the last 30 minutes, in that time only one person has been seen. I'm not sure if I'm in the right qué as there is no indication as to what service is available where. I came yesterday and it was exactly the same, huge qué and I didn't even have time after waiting so had to just leave. It's probably going to be the same case today.

  • en

    Dillie Habibi


    Had an unpleasant experience at this bank on Tuesday at around 12 with Donna, who was rude and angry and unknoledgable about services that the bank peovides and who I eventually had to just stop and ask her to get me the euros that I asked for that I came to exchange before my holiday. Very unprofessional to take out their anger on a customer especially when someone stood in a long queque for half an hour. Very unprofessional...

  • Connor Overton

    Connor Overton


    Good bank with hand self deposing cash machines, ques can get a bit large though

  • Steve Sloan

    Steve Sloan


    Large bank with a upstairs business centre too, all banking needs catered for, many operators

  • en

    Phil Johnson


    You need to tell people where to queue; just wasted 1/2 hour in the wrong queue. Can you clearly wayfind what services are at what desk. All the new desks look the same; I can't remember there being a problem with cash desks.

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