Newcastle Under Lyme Hotel i Newcastle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeNewcastle Under Lyme Hotel


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1, Clayton Road, ST5 4AF, Newcastle, Staffordshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1782 613093
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Latitude: 52.9883276, Longitude: -2.2237229

kommentar 5

  • Paul Massey

    Paul Massey


    If the choice was this or a park bench; it’d be a difficult decision. Hotel is really quite run down and not very clean at all. We booked in here when visiting a friend on their birthday as it was close by and looked ok online. We was greeted with a plain piece of paper to sign as the printer was broken, we were then handed the key to the "suite" which was like an old car key with a paper label stuck to it - no keyring, nothing. Really weird. We stayed in the "suite" which was a good size but absolutely reeked of cigarette smoke, it was incredibly bad - the bathroom was in dire need of repair and updating. Shower was lukewarm and had very little pressure, staff were mainly absent or completely useless. The hotel is no longer part of the well known chain who’s name still adorns the walls in many places inside. Horrible place.

  • Every Man

    Every Man


    Consistently known in the area as a terrible venue. Unfortunately the owner steals all the profits for himself. The whole place is rundown. Staff turnover is super high and nobody but the managers get paid. A real shame to have such an eyesore in the local area, years ago this place was lovely.

  • Christopher Radcliffe

    Christopher Radcliffe


    Dirty Room, even asked to change yet the room was just as bad. Staff were rude. No heat in any room; no spare blankets. Worst night ever! WHATEVER YOU DO. DON'T BOOK HERE!!!

  • NIO-NIO Associates

    NIO-NIO Associates


    Staying on business trip for one night it was just fine clean room big tv screen with many channels... Will stay again if need...

  • George Smith

    George Smith


    Obviously good in past as lots of pleasant features but run down now and very thin walls made for poor nights sleep.

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