NHJ Style Consultancy - Personal Styling i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeNHJ Style Consultancy - Personal Styling



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9, Adam Street, WC2N 6AA, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3109 0388
internet side: www.nhjstyle.com
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Latitude: 51.5097497, Longitude: -0.1220831

kommentar 4

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    Kate Reeve


    It took a while for me to decide which course was best for me and I finally settled with training at NHJ Style Academy. It was truly life changing. What attracted me was the work experience it offered, this enabled me to put theory into practice and gave me an extra confidence boost. All the team at NHJ are highly professional and inspiring ladies that offer so much advice and on going support. Easily the best Styling course out there.

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    I loved this. I had a personal styling session and it really inspired me. When you get to your 40s you think you know what suits you but you can definitely get stuck in a rut. What I liked was the way the stylist encouraged me to try out a range of clothes and accessories. If I’m honest I was a bit aprehensive before the session but there was no need. It was really relaxed. The clothes were chosen based on my lifestyle, tastes and body shape. The session was all about what would work best for me. I came away from it with some great outfits but also the confidence to be bolder with my style choices in the future. It was a fun experience and I got some really lovely comments from friends and colleagues afterwards. Brill.

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    Linda Sweet


    This course was one of the best choices I have made! I was drawn to it as unlike other courses it didn’t focus on colour analysis which I consider outdated. Instead it was creative and modern in approach. The work experience was invaluable as was also being part of a talented network of stylist. Love!

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    A Google User


    I had both a Wardrobe Warrior and Personal Shopping Day session with Isobel and Charlotte. The experience was in a word - amazing! The stylists were inspirational, highly professional, fun and fashion icons all in one. The Wardrobe Warrior session involved savvy personalised recommendations of how to wear my current wardrobe, what clothes would suit me and where to buy new items, as well as a much overdue springclean of my wardrobe. I was in shock after my 1990s favourites and student sweatshirt were disposed of from my wardrobe, but let's say it was about time! This was followed by my Personal Shopping Day where I felt completely looked after, and also where my sense-of-style boundaries were certainly challenged. I truly love all the pieces that were selected for me - which range from lingerie to clothes, shoes and accessories. I have gone from from wearing a typical City professional's wardrobe (black and more black) to wearing much bolder colours, being able to effortlessly mix 'n match my wardrobe and look and feel strong, stylish and confident. The change for me has been both in my look and mindset - very much a life-changing experience. I would highly recommend this to everyone. If you're looking to make a really positive change in your life, revamp your image or get some celebrity style in your life, then the assistance of the excellent stylists at NHJ can certainly help you achieve that. A big thank you again to the wonderful NHJ team.

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