North Crest i Blackpool

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Det Forenede KongerigeNorth Crest



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22, King Edward Avenue, FY2 9TD, Blackpool, Blackpool, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1253 355937
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Latitude: 53.8354139, Longitude: -3.0528407

kommentar 5

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    Stacy Bright


    A really nice place to stay

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    Carol Franklin


    Jim and sue are a lovely couple Terry and I stayed for a long weekend . Beautiful room warm and cosy . Breakfast was amazing and sues homemade marmalade was delicious . Would recommend to everybody Thank You sue and Jim xx

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    Cheryl Buckley


    If I could have given 0 stars I would!!!! This is the worst hotel experience we have ever had.. and we never even got there! We paid for one night but due to personal circumstances couldnt go. The lady 'appeared' sympathetic and said they dont refund on cancellations and we had to pay for the second night, but we could book at a later date out of season, which we did. I sent emails and texts to confirm and had a text back agreeing dates. However, my husband was suffering with severe osteoarthritis in his hip and couldn't make the very long drive, so I emailed before 7am as thought it too early to phone, and said that my son and his girlfriend would be going instead. This had all been spoken of before in the event of something deterring us again. She knew I only got to visit my son once or twice a year and how devastated I was not to go, so had agreed he could take our place. We obviously hadn't wanted to lose the money paid and it was small compensation for our son not seeing us. When my son arrived however, HE WAS TURNED AWAY!!! He and his girlfriend were put through a sad and embarrassing situation as the woman was so rude and stated it was the following weekend booked and asked them for £84 when we had paid £82 plus a further £82 cancellation fee...the cost for two nights!!! My son had gone through a particularly stressful time and didn't need her rude condescending attitude on top!!! We had planned, as I said in the email, of booking with them again in the Spring, but we wouldn't touch them with a barge pole now!!! My sons girlfriend said they would just stay one night then. but they were STILL TURNED AWAY!!! The woman displayed behaviour not in keeping with the running of a guest house and made it clear she was only interested in the monetary side!!! She needs to put herself in my sons shoes and imagine how she would have felt if put in that situation!!! Our whole family are disgusted that knowing of our personal circumstances, she could be so cruel and lacking in compassion!!! She does not deserve business with that attitude!!!

  • Robert Keith Lawrence

    Robert Keith Lawrence


    Chanced upon the North Crest when searching for somewhere to stay in Blackpool for a weekend; what a stroke of good luck that was. The TripAdvisor reviews aren't wrong, a top B&B. Breakfast was delicious, the hotel immaculately well-kept and the room I stayed two nights in, Solitaire, was impeccably clean. The Solitaire room is small but as a lone traveller, it suited my needs as with an en-suite bathroom, tea making facilities and a TV with a digital TV, I was more than happy. The tram stop is no more than 3 mins walk away, very convenient. Don't worry about any noise from said tram, I slept with my room window open and couldn't hear it. This B&B is easy to recommend. Will stay again when visiting Blackpool. Special mention to the proprietors Sue, Jim and Fiona the cat who all made me feel welcome.

  • en

    Dorothy Banks


    I.ll buy any car .com

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