Novotel Southampton Hotel i Southampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeNovotel Southampton Hotel


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1, West Quay Road, SO15 1RA, Southampton, Southampton, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8107 2800
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Latitude: 50.905611, Longitude: -1.415272

kommentar 5

  • Lisa Brown

    Lisa Brown


    The hotel has a very modern reception and bar area as you arrive, but unfortunately the room we were allocated could do with a makeover! Couldn't fault the cleanliness, but it was disappointingly outdated. There was a separate toilet, (no toilet in the bathroom). Which in itself would not be an issue, but there was no sink in the toilet, meaning you had to touch handles and light switches before washing your hands in the bathroom! Not the most hygienic! Also the room was covered in blown vinyl wallpaper (which I think was all the rage in the 1980`s), but maybe a little out of touch compared to the bright and modern reception area.

  • Kalim Hussyin

    Kalim Hussyin


    Very nice venue. Was a good setting for the wedding fair

  • Michael Evans-Taylor

    Michael Evans-Taylor


    Excellent place to stay that I've returned to every year for the last 15. The rooms were clean as always and we always got back to the room to find it spotless and with plenty of fresh linens. The hotel itself has excellent facilities including gym, swimming pool, sauna and various spacious event rooms. The only big downside in my eyes are the bar prices. £4 for a pint of lemonade and £10 for a gin and tonic are far far higher than I expect to pay anywhere.

  • Emma louise

    Emma louise


    Had a work function here. Bit grubby and had only one person on the bar for 300 people so spent half the night in the queue

  • J Hunt

    J Hunt


    An excellent hotel a short distance from the Cunard Ship Terminal. It's just 5 pounds for an Uber between the hotel and the terminal. And the Southampton train station is walking distance from the Novotel. Great buffet breakfast and a nice swimming pool. Kids friendly!

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