Number One i Plymouth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeNumber One



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1 Windsor Villas, Lockyer Street, Plymouth PL1 2QD, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1752 212981
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Latitude: 50.367341, Longitude: -4.143583

kommentar 5

  • en

    Susan Keating


    Really nice B&B. Hosts were so friendly and welcoming. Lovely breakfast. Room really lovely very comfortable bed great nights sleep. Private secluded parking at back of the house. Had a great stay

  • Phil Lewin

    Phil Lewin


    Stayed here for the Plymouth 10k race. Double room was very nice with a bright, spacious and sparkling bathroom. Good, firm king size bed. Proprietors were very accommodating with an early Sunday light breakfast (the proprietor himself was taking part in the 10k), and an excellent cooked breakfast on the Monday morning.

  • en

    Martin Lilly


    Warm friendly welcome. Lovely atmosphere. Spacious comfortable room. Good choice of breakfast.

  • Matt Peace

    Matt Peace


    Really nice place to stay. The bed was very comfortable and the breakfast was perfect. We would definitely stay there again.

  • Connor Norvall

    Connor Norvall


    Absolutely loved it. Beautiful room, nice and modern, also the rest of the hotel has kept its lovely quaint British style. Staff were so friendly. Breakfasts were excellent, cooked perfectly. I couldn't be happier with my stay.

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