Ole & Steen i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeOle & Steen



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56, Haymarket, SW1Y 4RN, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3828 8242
internet side: oleandsteen.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5091959, Longitude: -0.1327875

kommentar 5

  • Helen Keegan

    Helen Keegan


    Tasty food at this Nordic bakery. There's plenty seating, including a large space upstairs. Pricing is consistent with the rest of the West End. More expensive than my local eateries but competitively priced for Regent Street.

  • Jyk Wong

    Jyk Wong


    Great salads and delicious pastries. Well designed interiors. Their food selection is a refreshing change from the kebabs and floppy sandwiches on this stretch of the London tourist circuit. I like to come here mid-morning and plan the rest of my day with a good latte and a well-made pastry

  • Adeline Ho

    Adeline Ho


    The king prawn and avocado toast is everything you've been craving in a single dish. I had this with the famous cinnamon socials, which were really tasty too. I did visit this chain while in Copenhagen, and I think it's the least to say that Ole & Steen managed to retain the same quality in their offerings!

  • en

    Chee Lam


    This place has an amazing selection of food. It tends to be always busy here, hence having a ticketing system. The food taste good, the drinks are nice and the atmosphere is very relaxed. People are sitting around doing work or just resting from a long day of walk, enjoying their drink and little snack.

  • Nuno Coelho Martins

    Nuno Coelho Martins


    Interesting breakfast options but unfortunately not all the Menu available. I went there so that I could have a salad for breakfast and such was still not available. This said, the pastries were very good. My favourite is the cinnamon roll...but much more to chose from. Coffee...so so.

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