Orbital Comics i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeOrbital Comics



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8, Great Newport Street, WC2H 7JA, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7240 0591
internet side: www.orbitalcomics.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5119437, Longitude: -0.1276908

kommentar 5

  • en

    Melvyn Lake


    Great comic shop. Great selection of new comics & graphic novels. Top notch selection of back issues. Reasonably priced. Good location just round the corner from Leicester Square Tube Station.

  • Shakir Dudhia

    Shakir Dudhia


    Found almost everything I was looking for. Were knowledgable in their stock and content. Excellent recommendations. Very willing to help. Will be back when I return again to London.

  • David Hodgson

    David Hodgson


    This place sets the bar for what a comic book shop should be. Great selection of new and old comics, some collector's issues and a wide range of graphic novels. Staff are friendly, helpful and know their product.

  • Twirling Book Princess

    Twirling Book Princess


    I was looking around for a specific comic (no I didn't find it), and I wanted to visit this store. Oh boy, this one was definitely a fun place to visit. They had comics, graphic novels, children's section, self-pub comics. Plus helpful personnel (though I was a bit sad that, unlike another comic store, they didn't know if they had something or not). But still, if I am ever visiting London again, I will be visiting them again. Even to just look, or flip through the books. Ah, heaven!

  • Kunal Paranjpe

    Kunal Paranjpe


    Good selection of comics and collectibles. Customer service is non existent. The staff - ALL - of them are self absorbed morons. They spend their time chatting with one another, playing obnoxiously loud white trash trailer park rock music and talking about how awesome they are. Majority of the books are overpriced and shop is filthy. If the staff spent some time cleaning and being nice to patrons, this shop might actually be successful!

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