Orton Hall Hotel and Spa i Orton Longueville

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Det Forenede KongerigeOrton Hall Hotel and Spa


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The Village, PE2 7DN, Orton Longueville, Peterborough, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1733 391111
internet side: www.bestwestern.co.uk
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Latitude: 52.554178, Longitude: -0.2793414

kommentar 5

  • en

    Debbie Peters


    Nice evening, although gym.what can I say. It's hardly a gym, a couple of machines. Food good but took ages and then they got the food order wrong and the girl who took the order couldn't even apologise, then had to wait ages for correct good whilst other members if the party were almost finished

  • Stuart Fuller

    Stuart Fuller


    Cannot fault the hotel or its staff. Beautiful surroundings and very well kept inside. Our stay was for pleasure only, although they had sufficient services for business trips also, and we would definitely stay again for both business or pleasure. Highly Recommended......!

  • en

    Donna Bee


    I've stayed here many times for both business and pleasure. This hotel and the rooms have so much character and settings are gorgeous. Staff are very welcoming and helpful. Rooms I've stayed in have always been very clean, comfortable and functional - everything I need. The spa is lovely, I have had a few treatments and never disapointed. The food at the hotel is very nice. There is also a small gym. There is no lift so will have to use stairs but that didn't bother us. This is always my first choice of hotel when visiting Peterborough

  • en

    Jolita Vadopalaite


    Although the place was clean and beautiful, there were a few things that were disappointing. First of all, we came to the hotel straight from our wedding to find out that we needed to carry all our stuff to the third floor as there are no lifts! We were SO TIRED! Secondly, having mentioned at the point of booking about our wedding, there was NO acknowledgment of any of that when we arrived (this was in a huge contrast to a tiny inn hotel in Costwolds where we went after our visit in Orton Hall). And thirdly, we didn't find Reception staff very friendly; there was no sympathy on their behalf about our breakfast being missed. So thanks to God, restaurant staff were so more accommodating and served our breakfast to which we were 10 minutes late. We were so thankful, but having paid £130 a night we felt we didn't receive the service for which we paid.

  • Mark Mountford

    Mark Mountford


    Really nice hotel. Have used the spa facilities on several occasions and is well maintained with friendly helpful staff. It looses a star only because some of the furnishings, rooms and decor are a little bit dated.

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