Park Farm Hotel & Leisure i Hethersett

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePark Farm Hotel & Leisure



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Norwich Road, NR9 3DL, Hethersett, Norfolk, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1603 810264
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Latitude: 52.5885697, Longitude: 1.1691704

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ann Wadsworth


    The hotel was very clean, attractive and tastefully decorated. The staff were very professional and friendly and our room was very clean, comfortable and spacious.. The food was excellent and the spa facilities were very good. We only had a 2 night short stay but would certainly consider coming back again for longer.

  • Carol Ann Miller

    Carol Ann Miller


    Great reception team, helpful as rooms are well spread out. Little more time perhaps to explain the lighting card procedure?? Brilliant room and facilities which made the whole experience memorable. I had a superb steak in the restaurant cooked perfectly to my requirements, keen and pleasant staff at all times well done.

  • en

    Neil Parfitt


    Absolutely cannot fault the service at Park Farm Hotel. They have made sure they have things right for you from the moment that you walk in the door till the time you leave. I was very impressed. The room was amazing and the food was excellent, from our 5 course meal to our breakfast the next day. I will certainly come again.

  • en

    Georgette Harrison


    I had booked two Classic Plus rooms for one night for our friends and us. When we checked in, we were told that we had been upgraded. What a lovely surprise! Our very spacious and very clean rooms, on the ground floor, had a large and comfortable double bed, a sofa and two armchairs. The bathroom had a bath and a separate shower with good water pressure . We also had a small patio outside with a table and chairs. The interior decoration and the furniture were most pleasing. We had both dinner and breakfast at the hotel: the food was good and the service excellent. We would certainly consider staying again at the Park Farm Hotel.

  • Tom Williamson

    Tom Williamson


    Staff were very friendly and helpful and facilities were clean. However there was a lack of loungers around the pool. It was a very busy day went but it would have been better if it catered for full day spa users. Afternoon tea was lovely in a very nice seeing. Overall experience was great and would recommend highly.

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