Park Inn by Radisson Cardiff North Hotel i Llanedeyrn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePark Inn by Radisson Cardiff North Hotel



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Circle Way East, CF23 9XF, Llanedeyrn, Cardiff, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 29 2058 9988
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Latitude: 51.5081783, Longitude: -3.147253

kommentar 5

  • Marco Mir

    Marco Mir


    1 night stay at 79£ with breakfast... chosen over buget likes Ibis Budget at 59£ with breakfast. Your 20£ extra are worth it. But avoid late burger dinner... Bacon Cheese Burger is 14£ and was stiff as cardboard. You would expect some quality at least for the price tag. For that I give 2 stars

  • en

    Rachel Fairbrother


    Hotel was easy to find & had a good size carpark. Staff were friendly & helpful. Room was clean & well presented, with all requird facilities and ample space. Close to main roads but for me, I had no issues & couldn't hear the road noise. Room decor could do with a little freshen up in places but it did the job perfectly. Breakfast was great, lots of choices from cereals & toast to cooked. Good take-out facilities, grab & go coffee cups, breakfast muffins & fruit.

  • Mark Rusell

    Mark Rusell


    Nice rooms, friendly staff, function rooms were nice but the breakfast could of been better the plates were cold so the cooked breakfast went cold quickly. You had to put the toast through twice but overall for the price very good. Would consider staying there a vain

  • Sumeet Girdhani

    Sumeet Girdhani


    Value for money hotel. Not good for frequent commuters as it is not very comfortable. Big room & large bed was very inviting but mattress was not comfortable. Exhaust in Bathroom was on but due to no heating in bathroom it was cold. Someone next door smoked in window or outside, i could smell the smoke in bathroom. And in breakfast, chef made delicious Fried eggs & Vegetarian Sausages for me but eggs were still deeply soaked in oil & had egg shells at bottom of cooked food. Overall okay. If i have better choice i will not stay here.

  • en

    Mike Boardman


    I stayed here for ten days on my Guide Dog course, over that amount of time the menu was limiting. The food however is good quality. Watch the computer driven parking system, my wife came to visit me for dinner, used the reception registering service but still ended up with a letter charging her a parking fine!!!! This was sorted out but required my contactingl the hotel direct to contact the third party Company and get it cancelled. The staff were helpful and friendly. Overall a pleasant stay with good accommodations.

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