Park Plaza Hotel Cardiff i Cardiff

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePark Plaza Hotel Cardiff



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Greyfriars Road, CF10 3AL, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 29 2011 1111
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Latitude: 51.4834672, Longitude: -3.1764266

kommentar 5

  • Priyank Jammar

    Priyank Jammar


    Nice location with good restaurants and convenience stores around. Typical small rooms with less storage space and limited amenities. Staff is very friendly and courteous, and loved their hospitality especially in dining area. Hotel has a restaurant and serves good breakfast and meals. Just a walk away from city center mall and has lot of good places around. It has decent conference rooms and party halls. Hotel amenities include gym and swimming pool which are maintained well. The room lacks basic amenities so do carry your shaving kit and dental kit. There is a parking right opposite to hotel and offers 20% discount for hotel guests but get that coupon upfront from hotel before making payment for parking. Overall a great experience because of hotel staff and location.

  • Louis Katsouris

    Louis Katsouris


    Nice hotel. Friendly staff. Lovely clean rooms. Nice ambience and bar. Location wise it's a short walk from the high street and it has a spa, gym and pool. Always enjoy my stays here.

  • Eóin Mooney

    Eóin Mooney


    Stayed here 05-01-18 and all I can say is what a great place. Staff are excellent, food was exceptional and our junior suite was so comfortable and quiet. Glad we chose this hotel for our wedding bedrooms in 2019. Only problem is we nearly fell asleep twice in the comfortable chairs by the gas fire in the foyer 😬 check out Laguna cocktail bar in the evening and the spa is a must as well ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

  • en

    Oded Lachish


    We stayed here for a weekend. We were drawn by the pools and SPA. The in door pool is generous and the steam room is large and steamy. The Jacuzzi was small and needs to take a rest too often. The hotel has loads of potential but seems to lack polish. No robes in the room, or slippers. Especially missing if you want to use the SPA and other minor details that are slightly annoying but not worth mentioning. Regardless we did like the fact that we where able to check in earlier than the formal time.

  • Shaun Parfitt

    Shaun Parfitt


    Great gym and facilities. There is a swimming pool, sauna and other spa related treatments available. The staff have always been very helpful allowing me to purchase a padlock directly from them for the lockers (needed). When I haven't got one they have allowed me to borrow one (they took my admiral pass until I gave it back). The gym is very well fitted with yoga mats, lots of running machines and cross trainers, many different weight machines and free weights are also available. They also have a heavy bag fitted with gloves available but I would recommend bringing your own.

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