Pets at Home York i Clifton Moor Centre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePets at Home York



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Clifton Moor Centre 4, Stirling Road, YO30 4XZ, Clifton Moor Centre, York, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 345 600 3715
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.991764, Longitude: -1.102681

kommentar 5

  • Tahsif Ahmed

    Tahsif Ahmed


    Tried to make me join a hamster fight club

  • Joshua Daly

    Joshua Daly


    Was accused of stealing a dog and trying to eat the animals

  • James Hogg

    James Hogg


    Friendly staff with a great inventory of animals and specialist pet care products (I would recommend checking both Wilkinson and Tesco which are both next door for better prices). One of the benefits is that you can bring your pet with you which makes it easy to choose the correct accessories. And you can also let your dog choose its own toy! There are also treats at the till for well behaved dogs/cats.

  • Cameron Coombs

    Cameron Coombs


    Very friendly staff and seem very knowledgable about the animals and products they offer although some of the information between branches seems to differ, hard to tell which stores know their stuff.

  • Its Millie

    Its Millie


    The staff are friendly but sometimes hold animals in the wrong way and answer questions wrongly. The animals there are very well cared for though and I always find them healthy. The store is very well set out and between Foss island and Clifton moor I prefer Clifton moor. The cage sizes are huge and animals sell quickly. I hope my review helps!

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