Pizza Hut Restaurant i Bristol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePizza Hut Restaurant



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Leisure Rd, BS15 9LA, Bristol, South Gloucestershire, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 117 967 5316
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Latitude: 51.4501851, Longitude: -2.4979239

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rhys Williams


    Visited Pizza Hut in Gallagher Retail Park at 3pm today (Good Friday). Party of 9 (4 Adults and 5 Children). After waiting for 10mins to be seated we were greeted by a memeber of staff believed to be the manager. Asked for a table(s) for 9 and was informed (after 10 mins of waiting) that the wait was going to be 90mins minimum. Now, as the restaurant was half empty we naturally queried the wait time to be told in her words.. ‘we are closing this part of the restaurant’ again we queried why to be abruptly informed ‘well my staff need a break’. Shocking service and ridiculous response! It is now 3.32pm and this party of 9 are sat next door in Nando’s (which is far busier) already seated and food on the table.

  • Andrew Clifford

    Andrew Clifford


    Poor staff, Nobody showed us to th table, Poor service Took 30 mins to get a drink never comming back again Poor comunication from staff

  • en

    James Morris


    Valentine’s Day 7.30pm No chips No drinks No ice cream Hardly any staff Restaurant is barely 1/4 full yet they are not letting anyone who hasn’t booked because they have had no staff turn up. The staff that are on duty are very apologetic and friendly and Jordan couldn’t be more helpful and takes the time to sit with us and explain it’s been a chaotic night. Shame his staff couldn’t be more professional. I feel sorry for the staff who actually turned up tonight and this review is not a reflection on them but a reflection on those who put the team in this highly embarrassing situation.

  • Jonathan Best

    Jonathan Best


    Staff freindly and welcoming. Children loved food and lots for them to do. Excellent!

  • Naomi Trentham

    Naomi Trentham


    Not the best quality food, but you get what you pay for. Whenever we've been in and short of time, they have been very accommodating and made sure we're able to eat and leave within our available time. The kids love going here.

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