Pizza Plaza i Marton-in-Cleveland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePizza Plaza



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199, Linthorpe Road, TS1 4AG, Marton-in-Cleveland, Middlesbrough, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1642 205514
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.572081, Longitude: -1.238119

kommentar 5

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    Barakat Ahmed


    Nice place good service friendley staff food amazing

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    Nathan Shaw


    Absoultly shocking customer service I orderd a triple parmo burgar chips and salad and tub of garlic I was told 40 mins after 2 hours still no food so rang back up and told me the driver had been which he clearly hadn't as I was sat near the door told me he would make order from scratch and resend out to only take 25 minutes I've wait over 4 hours and still not here after he told me driver had set off to top it all off the shop is only a 7 minute drive from my house about 15 to 20 minute walk the only reason there getting 1 star is only down to the fact you carnt give zero... please avoid this place at all cost not worth the money stress or the hunger

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    Jason Knox


    Absolutely shocking! Tried to charge an extra £3 extra just to pour the garlic sauce into a seperate container instead of all over my food and the attitude of the person on the phone was absolutely disgraceful. Not only that but he first tried to say that the sauce in the tubs was a different 'thicker' sauce but when I requested the normal sauce just to be poured into a seperate container, I was told that it was the same sauce but it was just 'shop policy'. This was a perfectly reasonable and simple request which required no extra work... The sauce needs to be poured either way, regardless of where it goes. Even if this is 'shop policy' it shouldn't be any more than a few pence to cover the cost of a tub and it certainly doesn't justify the staff to talk to their customers in the manner that they did.

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    Servicii Publice


    I've just wait for my porno neatly 2 hours.

  • Syed sherazi

    Syed sherazi


    Disgusting stuff service ....! They answered and tried to make me pay driver £5 for delivery ... grow up you guys stop trying to rob people .... and honestly people if you want to be treated in a way where you get no manners then this place is for you! It wasn't about the money it was principle and they are a joke! I have never ever been talked down to so badly and then hung up by getting sworn .... and I'm sure you guys would understand how not to visit these rude people ...!

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