Plymouth University i Plymouth

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Det Forenede KongerigePlymouth University


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Drake Circus, PL4 8AA, Plymouth, Plymouth, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 1752 585858
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Latitude: 50.3759061, Longitude: -4.1395777

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daisy Baker


    I never should have come here. Just casually wasted 3 years and thousands of pounds...

  • Tony



    Biomedical BSc academic advisor very good, others terrible. Lectures long and boring. Top 2% who paid for that title, certainly not earned. Accommodation terrible, some places I would not house a rat inside let alone humans. Buildings in need of repair and upgrades, but the university has no money (just Google reviews from staff) it’s all cut-backs, so obviously they do not get a lot of money from research as lecturers online moan about cuts to their courses and ability to teach. The open days are nonsense, definitely PR and spin as the residential advisors you live with are mini hitlers and if you live in Francis Drake (most expensive) like me prepare for fire alarms most nights. Staff are all contractors, and do not work for Plymouth University so no 24/7 unlike University of Sussex.

  • Naganjan Ammati

    Naganjan Ammati


    "Expect the Unexpected" Very bad experience studying here. (Studied Robotics Engineering) Lecturers(few) being unfair, being equal and being hateful. I had raised a complaint to the complaints office addressing the issue that I had faced regarding my results(which is against the university examination policy). Its been more than 3 months after the complaint had been placed and I haven't heard back from them(except the first acknowledgment email) and which is also against the university policy. They aren't replying to my emails at the same time. This shows the nature of the complaint and the university who are not ready to show equality. I'll be taking this issue to a very next level. I wouldn't recommend anybody to join this university unless you want to face similar issues. WARNING "It's not just me who have faced this kind of issues." Indeed PLYMOUTH is a very nice place filled with tradition, culture and nice people

  • Angus Davidson

    Angus Davidson


    Now in my second year here studying Digital Art and Technology. I have my lectures in Roland Levinky so our lessons are always in nice and modern rooms. I really like how the university library is open 24 hours a day, plus there is always areas for quiet study. The university also offers some amazing opportunities for hobbies and sports which an incredible range of society's and groups. I currently run the photography society with my girlfriend and it's even more exciting running it. Going to uni is certainly a life changing experience and I'm glad I chose Plymouth for my journey.

  • Yoweri Y

    Yoweri Y


    Personally haven't been to this University yet but through my lovely girlfriend Gracie Phillips who's a student says she is very fine with her Uni and it's the best. I hope to join one day and study a course . I love Plymouth

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