Posture Dynamics - Osteopath London, Victoria clinic i London

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Det Forenede KongerigePosture Dynamics - Osteopath London, Victoria clinic



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Clutha House, 10 Storey's Gate, Westminster, London SW1P 3AY, Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7828 6888
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.500448, Longitude: -0.129734

kommentar 4

  • en

    Trieca Huggins


    I've been seeing Daren and his lovely wife Camilla since 2001, over the years we've covered every single thing possible from RSI to pre and post pregnancy care and general wellbeing. They are simply the best!!

  • en

    Rebecca Ellis


    I have had osteopathic treatment from Daren at Posture Dynamics for around 10 years and it has always been excellent. Whatever the problem (back, neck, hips, ribs, shoulder) he identifies it immediately and I leave feeling so much better. It is very easy to book appointments online, including early morning and evening. Daren also did an excellent job of treating me throughout my recent pregnancy which helped me to stay active and comfortable the whole way through.

  • Jem Djelal

    Jem Djelal


    I've been lifting weights for over 20 years. Having hurt a rib and my shoulder, I was falling short in getting effective treatment. Darren changed that. His assessment was swift, his ability to fix me was brilliant. I travel over an 1.5 hr to see Darren because he's the best I've seen in the business.

  • Emma Cordery

    Emma Cordery


    Daren at Posture Dynamics has been great! I started seeing him after hurting my neck which led to constant pain. Within two sessions the pain had lessened, and then disappeared and the follow up appointments have continued to work on my posture problems, a result of many years sitting at a desk and a computer. I would highly recommend his services.

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