Premier Inn Brighton City Centre i Brighton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Brighton City Centre



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144, North Street, BN1 1RE, Brighton, The City of Brighton and Hove, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8150
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.8234444, Longitude: -0.1411767

kommentar 5

  • Ciara Farrelly

    Ciara Farrelly


    Great location, so central to Brighton and sits beside a supermarket and other shops. Beach, pier, restaurants and shops all within 10 minutes walk. Lovely customer service and the breakfast had lots of choices for hot or cold foods. Would definitely recommend.

  • Bill Bernard

    Bill Bernard


    Good clean accommodation, helpful and knowledgeable staff. Excellent breakfast, all you can eat. On the negative side, the bar area is very small and only one staff member on duty at 10.30pm so service very slow. Very limited seating. Apart from the above a very enjoyable stay.

  • Wendy Smith

    Wendy Smith


    Don't be put off by outside appearances. The room was lovely- modern, comfortable and immaculately clean. Despite the central location you couldn't hear a sound. Will definitely return

  • Emma Wetherell

    Emma Wetherell


    The Brighton City Centre premier Inn is ideally located for exploring all of Brighton. The beds and rooms are good and the shower works well. These are the most important things for any hotel stay in my opinion. The only thing that lets this hotel down is the breakfast. The idea is great but it is so poorly executed. I ordered poached eggs and after a 20 minute wait they came out completely overcooked. Skip the breakfast but the hotel is well worth the stay.

  • en

    naomi stuart


    A centrally located hotel with really reasonable rates. We paid 35 for a Friday night in January. Rooms are very comfortable especially the beds. Staff all generally friendly and helpful. We did have a staff member come to one room and tell us the maximum adults in a room was 2, but when we explained we had 2 rooms but just wanted to eat supper together that was fine. Not too loud given the city location

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