Premier Inn Bristol City Centre King St i Bristol

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Bristol City Centre King St



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King Street, Bristol BS1 4ER, Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8158
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.4517681, Longitude: -2.5929666

kommentar 5

  • Daniel McNamee

    Daniel McNamee


    Always a comfortable stay. Not the most attractive of places. Breakfast is ok, though i'd stay away from the poached eggs, they weren't great and could well have given me a dicky tummy. Either that or the fried bread they were served on. Probably better off getting breakfast elsewhere unless you are a ravenously hungry first thing and can do the 'all you can eat' option.

  • en

    Shirley Jefferies


    Lovely refurbished room (210). Very quiet (triple glazed). Nice, helpful staff 😀

  • en

    Martin Nolan


    Hotel no problem told to sit down to a meal only to be told 10 minutes later 2nd chef did not appear in and they were not serving. This was at 8.30pm. Very disappointed have been visiting over the past 8 years will not be attending again.

  • en

    Kyle Brana


    Very easy to find. Not a bad walk from train station. Right on the door step to everything you'll need. This is my second stay. Great price for what you get

  • en



    Nice hotel, stayed here for a couple days for when arch enemy were performing at the o2 academy, beds were a bit too soft but still enjoyed the time here

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