Premier Inn Carlisle Central i Carlisle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Carlisle Central



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Warwick Road, CA1 2WF, Carlisle, Cumbria, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8210
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.8941578, Longitude: -2.9073014

kommentar 5




    Great for families and friends groups. Good food served in the pub next door. Very central for Carlisle attractions.

  • en

    Alice Hodgson


    My regular restaurant for a great carvery at a great price. Sunday lunchtime are busy so I always pre-book a table for about 6 of us ladies who lunch. We are never disappointed with the service and quality of the good... even when it is very busy. The Managers as, Karen, is consistently friendly and helpful.

  • Sarah Coffey

    Sarah Coffey


    Great breakfast at Brewer's Fayre. Lots of choice, good quality and decent value for money. Staff were very welcoming and helpful too.

  • en

    Sandra Bell


    Had breakfast at Brewers Fayre...I could have got a better, larger and more varied breakfast for the same price at Tobies across the road. I have never had such a bad continental breakfast in England. There was a full selection, but only a few items per selection (4 croissants, 2 crumpets etc) and a fruit selection of 3 bananas. I told the manager how disappointed we were. She asked me if I would show her how I would have done everything. If we hadn't have to pay before we had to serve ourselves, I would have walked out.

  • Iron Mike

    Iron Mike


    As with most Premier Inns you know what the standards ate going to be like. I gave 4 star as it's quite a nice place with welcoming staff. Be warned thought it can be a busy place when there is a match on. The restaurant is ok, a little dated but the food is fine with the usual choices. I stay here at least 4-5 times a year.

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