Premier Inn Carlisle M6 Jct44 i Carlisle

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Det Forenede KongerigePremier Inn Carlisle M6 Jct44



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Parkhouse Road, CA3 0JR, Carlisle, Cumbria, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 871 527 8208
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Latitude: 54.9284425, Longitude: -2.9472388

kommentar 5

  • Ashley McRae

    Ashley McRae


    It would be hard not complain about this particular Premier Inn, after staying in a good few from Edinburgh as far as Cambridge this one is so below standard! Cold, tired and dated! Staff were friendly but was disappointed to find the breakfast all cleared away before the half 10 time as stated. So it was also disappointing won’t even stay here again or recommend.

  • en

    Helen Griffiths


    By far the worst Premier I have stayed in. On arrival it looked lovely then we went to our room (family room) when we walked in we were very shocked by how sparse it was and grubby. Tiny tv, only 2 mugs not ideal when there are more than 2 of you in the room and only 1 teabag, coffee sugar and milk. We then made our way to the restaurant we had been travelling all day and our son needed tea and bed. We were shown to a table and staff seemed lovely, within 30 seconds we were asked of we knew what we wanted to order! When drinks arrived the poor girl spilled the pint of coke normally not a problem however it went all over me and the carpet and it was left and not cleared up she didn't apologise for spilling it and made it feel like it was out fault because one of our drinks wasn't right. Food was awful. We couldn't sleep at night due to the noise outside that was some sort of banging. Breakfast in the morning: awful. We checked out by 9am this is unheard of for us! AVOID AT ALL COSTS

  • en

    Kim Singh


    Very nice...hospitality we were greeted by staff ,and explained we were meeting family and we was welcomed by a young lad called Kyle and received the best service ever let us use the closed area offered beverages. Was a short visit but very pleasant. Would definitely visit again.

  • billy lindsay

    billy lindsay


    Pleasant clean room. Lovely breakfast. Attentive friendly staff. Met all my requirements.

  • Florentin A. Drogeanu

    Florentin A. Drogeanu


    Typical Premier Inn hotel, situated just off the M6 motorway at Junction 44. Staff were very kind to sort out some issues with my prepayment. Rooms are spacious and clean, bathrooms might do with a bit of renovation, but nothing too bad. Basic room has TV, kettle and tea/coffee, a blow-dried, clothes hangers etc. Larger mirrors everywhere. There is a thermostat in the room so you can set the temperature as you like. Only tried the desert at the restaurant but it was good, impeccable service. Restaurant and bar look very clean and well taken care of.

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